Black Box Awarded Most Promising Managed IT Services Provider in APAC 2024

In CIOReview APAC, Black Box has been named the Most Promising Managed IT Services Provider in APAC for 2024. This award recognizes the company’s exceptional contributions to digital infrastructure that supports the success of enterprises worldwide. Operating across 34 countries, the company embraces a 'GLOCAL' strategy—thinking globally while acting locally—to effectively meet diverse customer needs.

Under the leadership of President and CEO Sanjeev Verma, Black Box delivers top-tier digital services tailored to the complexities of modern business environments. The company uses advanced cybersecurity measures and leverages internal platforms like ServiceNow and SAP ERP to enhance its own operational efficiency and strategic agility, particularly in critical sectors such as healthcare, energy, and telecommunications.

Black Box’s structured client engagement process—from discovery sessions to deployment—ensures that each project aligns with client KPIs and SLAs. Supported by its Network Operating Centers in Dallas and Pittsburgh, and a Center of Excellence in Bangalore, Black Box manages to maintain high standards of service delivery worldwide.

Aiming for a $2 billion revenue target, Black Box enhances its offerings in cloud services, network tools, and wireless solutions through strategic growth. The company’s ability to manage intricate global IT operations is further evidenced by its long-standing partnerships, including its role in overseeing critical infrastructure for one of the world's largest green power companies.

Read the full article to learn about how Black Box is leading the way in managed IT services and driving technological innovation.

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