News to Use: Cybersecurity Trends and Applications

Another day in the news doesn’t have to mean hearing about another scam. Reports of data breaches are increasingly common in today’s digital world. Are your IT systems secure for sure? What if they aren’t? How can you know? Sophisticated hackers and criminal organizations prowl the internet looking for unsuspecting targets. Don’t be an easy target, stay secure by staying informed.

One way to be sure your IT systems are rock-solid secure is to check into your organization’s cybersecurity tactics. With new technologies and threats emerging on a regular basis, it might be time to consider recent developments and best practices in cybersecurity.

Two trending hot topics, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), work hand-in-hand to boost cybersecurity, using data to identify potential threats. AI-powered security systems detect and respond to threats in real-time, reducing the risk of a security breach. As of 2024, various sources estimate that 80% of companies have already adopted AI in some way - don’t be left behind.

While you’re at it, be sure to protect your data in the cloud! Cloud computing creates new security challenges. By using multi-factor authentication and encryption, organizations can secure their cloud-based systems and data.

Look around you. Smart devices are everywhere. Today it seems that everything and anything can be controlled by IoT. Likewise, IoT devices are becoming more prevalent in organizations, but they also present new security risks. Using secure protocols and updating firmware on a regular basis can help organizations secure IoT devices. Some companies prohibit the use of thumb drives and other attachments that can introduce malware at the user desktop (which, BTW, is one of the most vulnerable points of attack).

Take a quantum leap. Quantum computing potentially may revolutionize the field of cybersecurity, because it can solve problems that are currently unsolvable with classical computing. But, quantum computing also introduces new security risks, since it can possibly break current encryption methods. Organizations should evaluate implications of quantum computing and take action to prepare for these risks.

Keep your eyes on your “phish” or someone could catch your data from right under your nose. Phishing and social engineering are still among the most common tactics used by cybercriminals to gain access to sensitive information. Did you know that one of the easiest ways for a cybercriminal to steal your data is to entice you to click on a malicious link in your email? Organizations must educate their employees about these threats and put security measures in place to guard against them. IT departments rigorously identify and deactivate suspicious links sent to employees’ email accounts.

Insure to be secure. Many organizations are purchasing cyber insurance to protect themselves from the financial losses resulting from a cyberattack. Cyber insurance policies typically cover breaches, extortion, and cybercrime.

Pick the right products to guard your organization at the hardware level. Secure KVM switches are vital for protecting sensitive information in high-security sectors, offering internal protection against cyberthreats. The NIAP Protection Profile V4.0 is the gold standard for Secure KVM, enhancing security measures, setting stricter standards for secure KVM switches in government, military, and other critical environments. Black Box offers a full line of NIAP 4.0 compliant Secure KVM Switches.

Staying up-to-date with the latest security technologies and best practices can help organizations mitigate the risk and minimize the impact of a security breach. Today’s news can be good news if you remain vigilant about your cybersecurity tactics.

To learn more about Secure KVM Switches, download the blog and/or white paper.

Read blog: When Do You Need a Secure KVM Switch?

Download white paper: Meeting Cyber-Threats with Secure KVM

Check out the full line of Black Box Secure KVM Switches.

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