A Thoroughly Modern Wireless Network

Methodical Global Deployment Reaps Dramatic Wireless Results

In the new era of Wi-Fi 6 and 5G access, people around the world can connect with your company from any location on any device — but are they doing it easily, confidently, and securely?

According to an IDC forecast, Wi-Fi 6 will make up 79% of all Wi-Fi product shipments within the next two years.

To benefit from this global untethering and make gains in productivity, operations, and revenue, your company must optimize its wireless network. The goal is to make the user experience straightforward, uniform, and favorable for employees and customers alike via solid security, efficient airtime, IoT device support, and extensive coverage.

To do wireless right, many IT leaders are turning to technology partners who can not only help design and deliver a consistent level of network excellence at every location but also free your overworked, understaffed IT department from day-to-day infrastructure duties and application management.

Choosing the Right Wireless Partner

As you evaluate technology partners who can help you design and deploy a digital transformation project at one site or thousands in one country or hundreds, consider:

Depth of services: Your wireless partner should free your IT staff to take a supervisory role in the network refresh process. Look for a provider with a sizable portfolio of flexible, vendor agnostic services and technology solutions, such as cyber security, Wi-Fi and in-building 5G/CBRS, enterprise networking and data center, digital workplace, and customer experience.

Scope of experience: The key to a successful wireless refresh — especially a global one — is know-how. To determine your technology provider’s level of proficiency, here are a few questions to consider:

  • Does the provider have a complete mix of technical ability (e.g., hardware upgrades and repairs)?
  • Is the provider’s level of industry knowledge substantial (e.g., an understanding of regulatory standards for healthcare and finance)?
  • What about global skills and understanding, if applicable (e.g., knowledge of labor laws in Chile vs China)? How many successful installs has a provider completed in other countries?
  • Does the provider have a solid history of working alongside industry-leading service vendors?

Support and management: A technology partner should provide impeccable project management throughout the entire design and deployment process.

Once an installation or optimization is complete, the transition to a steady operational state should include management options, such as Day 2, supplemental hybrid, total ownership (with performance accountability), and cloud console understanding, so location isn’t a hindrance.

Also take note of the provider’s global response capabilities, such as 24/7 operations, alarm monitoring, and management and testing environments and labs.

The following combined case study shows the degree of Black Box’s experience and expertise in helping companies design and deploy an optimized, global network.

Three Different Industry Leaders; Same Challenge

Three multinational clients in different industries (energy, food and beverage, and IT) turned to Black Box to evaluate, install, validate, and support each of their wireless refreshes — flawlessly and consistently.

Site numbers for each client varied: One client boasted more than 2,000 sites. The other two featured hundreds. Sites were located in APAC, EMEA, LATAM, and NA.

All three clients had the same aim: To create and reap the rewards of a modern wireless network (secure, resilient, and future-ready).

Deadline, budget considerations, and operational continuity were constant for all three clients as was support, including Day 2.

Common Denominators of a Successful Refresh

Common to all three clients was Black Box’s industry and global know-how and an extensive and uniform deployment process across all locations. Specifically, Black Box engineers worked with their technology partners to understand each client’s customer imperatives, then used that knowledge as a catalyst for network design. The process itself encompassed surveys, remediation plans, installation, validation, support, decommissioning — and all the hundreds of myriad tasks within each of those steps at each site in each country.

Common also was the result for all three clients: A transformative network refresh that delivered an outstanding customer experience, thanks to optimal security, disaster resiliency, and agility. Now, all three clients are well equipped to maintain a strong, engaging brand image.

Prime Positioning

To meet the future with gusto, IT leaders must champion wireless technology and help their companies design and deploy the ideal network experience for employees and customers. Black Box can help by delivering digital transformation uniformly at every one of your sites worldwide.

According to the Product Manager for Networking, “In the new world of hybrid work, digital resiliency is key. Working with Black Box architects and engineers can ensure a transformative project, such as a global wireless refresh — which is never easy — goes as smoothly as possible.

Wireless in Action

Learn more about our wireless capabilities with case studies based on our work with industry leading Energy, Food & Beverage, and Information Technology companies.

A Formidable Wi-Fi Partner – Black Box helped an IT client deliver network optimization to 2,000+ locations — and identified almost $1M in direct savings

The Right Stuff: A Global Tale of Digital Transformation — Black Box engineers helped two multinational clients get wireless done right.

About Black Box

Black Box® is a trusted IT solutions provider delivering cutting-edge technology products and world-class consulting services to businesses across the globe in every industry. The breadth of our global reach and expertise accelerate customer success by bringing people, ideas, and technology together to solve real-world business problems.

5G Advanced Wireless Connectivity Solutions Digital Transformation Enterprise Wireless Future of Networking Global Deployments Multisite Deployments Network Modernization Network Security Technology Integration Wi-Fi 6 Wireless Connectivity Wireless infrastructure Wireless Technology
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