Beyond a Return to Work: Creating Modern Spaces to Collaborate (Part 2 of 3)

RECONNECT Meeting Rooms for Meaningful Collaboration

87% of attendees are frustrated and stressed due to technology failures in meeting rooms.1

Cincinnati Bell Technology Services

The post-pandemic return to work is becoming a reality. Organizations and their employees must now navigate hybrid work schedules, occupancy restrictions, hoteling systems, and IoT devices that may have been added while they worked from home (as well as new devices they’re bringing with them to the workplace). Some employees view this as an exciting time of change and new technology. Others may be frustrated by the hiccups associated with that change.

During times when employees are forced to adapt quickly to new situations and technology, it’s important that companies step back and take time to make infrastructure decisions based on the new normal now and in the future.

For example, while some organizations quickly added huddle rooms in response to the pandemic, they may not have given careful thought to designing those rooms in a way that promotes agile teams and processes. As a result, people who meet in those rooms now are dealing with congested WIFI connections, poor lighting and sound quality, and an environment that isn’t conducive to hybrid collaboration.

Intelligent Room Design

As your company designs flexible huddle spaces, mull over these five factors that can inhibit or enable your employees’ success:

  1. Lighting: The space should be well lit, yet easy on the eyes and accommodating to different types of presentations via direct and indirect lighting.
  2. Display: Attendees should be able to view presentations on devices other than their laptops and have an identical experience.
  3. Cameras: Cameras should be mounted in appropriate vantage points and be able to capture all attendees.
  4. Acoustics: It’s important to not only hear other attendees, but also make sure they can hear you — clearly.
  5. Capabilities: Bandwidth should be robust enough to support seamless collaboration now and in the future.

By reimagining meeting space, companies can help employees not only maximize production, but also feel a greater sense of job satisfaction.

If you’re ready to get your workspaces prepared for the return of the workforce, download our Return to The Workplace Checklist. Or, contact us at 855-324-9909 or email us at [email protected]


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  1. Vigliarolo, B. (2017, November 2). Infographic: The wrong tech can ruin your meeting; here's how to fix it. TechRepublic.
Collaboration Collaborative Spaces Employee Collaboration Flexible Workspaces GSI Hybrid Workplace Managed Services Modern Workplace Office Design Office Environment Office Productivity Reimagined Workplace Return-to-Office Strategies UCC Video Conferencing Work Spaces Workplace Culture Workspace Innovation
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