Solutions Powered by Edge Services

The Intelligent Digital Edge is the place where people and devices meet. Where your users are located. Where data is created and consumed. Where mobile and IoT devices live. Where applications are shared. The edge is leading digital transformation in every industry and in companies of all sizes. Fueled by mobility and the Internet of Things, the edge is changing the way we live and work. And it's changing IT. The sheer volume of devices and applications and the vast number of distributed sites can leave IT teams scrambling with legacy architectures and deployment models that are no longer adequate or relevant. Not only is new technology required—technology that is analytics-driven, mobile-first—and has embedded security, but new service models are required for IT teams to scale.

At the edge, IT drives superior experiences. What drives IT are edge services. That means coupling new technologies with deep IT expertise to enable you to quickly adapt to changing business requirements, facilitate workflows, boost productivity, and enable real-time business decisions.

An edge services provider can customize technology to give you a competitive advantage. Technology adoption and business innovation are moving at an unprecedented pace with amazing results in every type of industry. Edge solutions, such as modern UC&C, capacity-driven structured cabling systems, and advanced networking and mobility provided by Black Box, have driven innovation in every industry. With more than 40 years experience designing, deploying, and managing technology at the edge with speed agility, and at scale, we can customize services to accelerate your digital transformation.

Examples of edge solutions and services we've deployed include:

  • Implementing 3D video technology in sports stadiums with networking, wireless, and cabling systems. Black Box installs and maintains 360-degree cameras in stadiums to enable 3D instant replays. The systems also include sophisticated data centers and control rooms.
  • Improving patient care in hospitals with trusted mobility and comprehensive structured cabling. Trusted wireless is now a critical component of patient care from the bedside to the operating room. We enable medical mobility through a customized and interconnected network of DAS, small cells, and Wi-Fi systems. In addition, Black Box structured cabling systems support both the medical mobility systems as well as adhere to the unique cabling requirements in healthcare facilities as specified in TIA-1179-A.
  • Connecting IoT machine vision sensors on manufacturing floors with advanced structured cabling systems including copper, fiber, and wireless. The technology incorporates cameras, PCs, software, and other hardware to automatically take pictures and inspect materials as they pass along an assembly line.
  • Providing anytime, anywhere communications and collaboration with on-premise, cloud, or hybrid UC&C solutions designed for businesses of all sizes, in all verticals, and with dispersed geographies.
  • Improving the online and in-store user experience for shoppers through structured cabling, wireless, and UC&C deployments with minimal business disruption. Black Box systems help engage customers and provide uniform customer and employee experiences at all locations.
  • Managing the service desk and NOC for one of the busiest airports in the country. Services include an extensive on-site team that handles all network operations as well as vendor services.

These are just a few examples of projects powered by Black Box services at the edge. See how we've successfully deployed other IT solutions at the edge in these case studies. Learn more about our extensive edge services portfolio at


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Black Box insights Digital Edge digital solutions Edge computing Edge Services innovative solutions IoT devices IT Infrastructure IT Services Managed IT Services Managed Services NOC Service Desks powered solutions Support Services technology advancements technology solutions
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