Get Ready for the Future of Wireless Connectivity: Is Your Business Prepared?

As the demand for connection grows, especially with 70% of the U.S. workforce relying on wireless devices, businesses are faced with the challenge of adapting to this digital shift within the next four years. The prevalence of wireless devices is rapidly increasing, and with technologies like Private 5G/LTE, the potential for maximizing their usefulness is unprecedented. Only organizations equipped to leverage these advancements will reap the benefits, leaving others trailing behind.


To ensure your readiness for the impending shift, it is crucial to seamlessly integrate Private 5G/LTE into your existing network. This strategic integration not only ensures that your organization's wireless requirements are met today but also future-proofs them through our cutting-edge enterprise solutions. Embracing a comprehensive approach, supporting a spectrum of networks including Private 5G/LTE, and DAS, is the key to achieving widespread wireless coverage and enhancing business continuity. This positions organizations to thrive in the era of heightened connectivity dependence.

A growing number of forward-thinking CIOs are turning to Black Box for expert guidance in seamlessly incorporating these new technologies into their established wireless networks. This proactive approach positions your organization to harness the full potential of these advancements, meeting the escalating demands placed on wireless networks.

Discover the Power of Private 5G/LTE in Your Environment: Contact us now to schedule a no-obligation test drive and witness firsthand how Private 5G/LTE can elevate the performance of your devices within your unique ecosystem.

Everything Wireless—Plan for Tomorrow, Today

With 5G and OnGo™, coupled with other wireless networks, it is important to create a strategy that supports everything wireless—both existing and new.

Black Box can help enterprises implement their wireless strategy and plan for tomorrow, today by following these principles.

Networks Designed for Applications & Devices

Start by learning the wireless requirements for the devices and applications you use now and plan to use in the future. Design a wireless network to meet those needs. This outside-in approach means that your network will be ready for anything.

Leverage the Right Network for All Users

With 5G and Private LTE, together with purpose-built wireless networks, you have more leverage now than before. Place the right device and application on the right network to expand your organization’s overall wireless capacity.

Mission-Critical Performance on All Networks

When using the two previous principles, you can leverage coverage, capacity, and network selectivity to provide mission-critical performance. Not only on one network, but across all networks.

Mission-critical performance is built into everything we do—from design to deployment to support.

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Comprehensive Wireless Network Solutions

Today’s wireless technologies give organizations many opportunities to streamline their operations and improve the customer experience. Black Box can help you create a complete network that takes full advantage of these advanced technologies with our business WiFi solutions to meet your organization’s unique needs. Come and discover the power of 5G & OnGo.

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    Use the increased speed of 5G wireless technology to increase your enterprise’s efficiency while reducing costs.

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    OnGo™ (Private LTE)

    Build customizable and secure Private LTE wireless networks to increase indoor coverage and capacity. Put OnGo to the test on-site with these demos.

    Healthcare Test Drive

    Manufacturing Test Drive
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    Public Safety

    Public safety DAS and enhanced, in-building two-way radio services are an absolute necessity for first responders.

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    Use a real-time locating system to manage assets, optimize workflow efficiencies, and maximize visitor satisfaction.

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Growth of 5G: What It Means for Wireless Connectivity

Over the last decade, wireless has become crucial to everything we do. Wireless is not slowing down, but accelerating at an ever-increasing rate. At the heart of wireless technology is 5G and the increased bandwidth for faster connectivity and greater productivity.

Today, 5G technology support nearly 1.3 billion connections. This will more than double to 4.8 billion by the end of 2026. The rapid growth in 5G devices requires organizations to be ready for the new technology or be left behind.

Find out what you need to do now to prepare for 5G in this white paper.

Get the White Paper

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Related Resources

What can 5G and OnGo™ do for your organization? Learn from our 5G and OnGo™ experts how to maximize mobile connectivity.

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  • Transforming Manufacturing: Unleashing the Power of Private LTE/5G Networks with Black Box

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  • Unleashing Potential: A Guide to Maximizing Opportunities with Private LTE/5G

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IoT to LTE: You Complete Me!

May 12, 2022, 05.32 AM by Black Box

This is the second of three posts on IoT and Private LTE. You can read the first post, The Move to Wireless Networking: Is IoT Snake Oil?here, and the third post, Why and When Should We Embrace IoT Through LTE?here.

Partners make the world go around. Modern enterprise is well aware of this fact. It may be argued that nowhere is this more true than in the world of wireless networking. In particular, the current environment surrounding industrial and other mission-critical applications indicates a new evolution in networking technology. Interactions between manufacturers, users, and supply partners are transforming the relationships bringing all parties together. The real danger is that further isolation of proprietary and non-cooperative wireless network system structures will continue to separate every aspect of enterprise networking, including handshake capability and interoperability resulting in the hindrance of a necessary evolution which promises to make true IOT a reality.

What is that evolution, you ask? Let's consider for a moment our previous article, The Move to Wireless Networking: Is IoT Snake Oil? Our argument about the shortcomings of IoT isn't an exaggeration. Despite the groundbreaking intentions behind IoT as an idea, things just haven't panned out the way they were designed. While referring the reader to that aforementioned blog, we submit this necessary evolution as something simple: that IoT work as it was intended – connecting all things at all times. Thus far, IoT as a practical thing seems more a catchphrase or pleasing idea. It doesn't have to be that way.

Private LTE (OnGo™) enables private IoT. The ability for enterprise networks to intermingle makes all things IoT possible and there are many datasets addressing that fact. A stunning revelation, however, lies in the fact that Private LTE is a perfect partner to existing networks ubiquitous to practically any facility. Private LTE also represents value. It is the perfect partner to Wi-Fi and can run alongside existing networks, preventing the need to "tear everything out and start again."

Designed from the ground up to vastly improve network security, Private LTE provides resilient encryption and localized authentication. Coverage is greatly expanded with ranges far outside the limited reach of existing Wi-Fi infrastructure with fewer enabling devices, both indoors and outdoors. Carrier-grade reliability allows for predictable rates and ultra-stable performance while freeing Wi-Fi to handle dedicated tasks. Private LTE also accepts as many as one thousand percent more connections than existing Wi-Fi networks – all over a single network which empowers IoT technology such as PTT (push-to-talk), AI operation and monitoring, practically limitless broadband access, video streaming, facility control, and physical security. 

Private LTE Networks are Key Enabler of Future of 5G and IoT Adoption
Image courtesy of Harbor Research

So, how is this done? The answer isn't as nebulous as one might imagine. The secret is in partnerships. A collaborative community is forging new ecosystems as you read this. The resulting innovations include Private LTE as a means to finally deliver on the promise of IoT. The technologies necessary to successfully deploy Private LTE/Private IoT are of the highest performance. They are purpose-built to address diverse mission-critical and industrial segments of the market. There are a lot of moving parts, but partnerships bring all the necessary pieces together and weave them into fully customizable solutions designed to take a facility or facilities safely into a future wherein IoT actually functions as intended and promised.

As a result, the end-to-end customer experience is brought into the spotlight. Successful partners take an objective look at what needs to be achieved, generating increased performance, reliability, reduced latency, and greatly strengthened security… across every aspect of the customer's network… no matter how many facilities the customer controls… no matter how far apart those facilities are in the world.

In the previous blog, The Move to Wireless Networking: Is IoT Snake Oil?see how IoT is linked to wireless networks.

For more information on Private LTE, see our 5G/OnGo webpage.

If you would like to receive our quarterly newsletter, View from the Edge, you can sign up here.

  • Seamless Mobile Connectivity with CEL-FI by Nextivity

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Black Box 5G & Private LTE Partners

5G is on track to become the fastest-adopted mobile communication technology in history. By 2026, it will become the global wireless standard, leaving older 4G networks behind.* Now is the time to create your wireless network of the future. As your partner, we’ll work with you to find the right wireless solution for your organization from one of our best-in-breed partners.

Exception occured while executing the controller. Check error logs for details.

Why Black Box?

While some integrators can help you with one or two of your wireless networking needs, Black Box can help you with all of them (Wi-Fi, DAS, RTLS, etc.). Our dedicated team of solution architects and deployment engineers will help you make sense of 5G and OnGo™ and understand whether one or both of these new technologies would be a good addition to your existing system. We can then help you develop a comprehensive plan that addresses your current needs while preparing you for the future.

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