Top 3 WiFi 6 Myths and Facts in 2023

Do you want to know the common myths about WiFi 6? If yes, check the top three myths about WiFi 6 and learn the facts. Also, learn about the benefits of WiFi 6 and why you should upgrade. If you missed the first blog in this WiFi 6 series, check it out HERE.

WiFi 6: Top 3 Myths and Facts

Let’s tackle the myths and get the facts straight about WiFi 6.

Myth #1: WiFi 6 is a Marketing Gimmick


  • WiFi 6 is neither a marketing gimmick nor mandatory update developers emphasize to check a box.
  • It significantly increases your work speed, capacity, and overall performance. This is particularly true in high-density network environments.
  • A high-density network usually includes over thirty clients connecting to an AP (access point). It may include:
    • Web browsing
    • VoIP (Voice over IP)
    • Video conferencing
    • Automated facilities management
    • Audio and video streaming
    • HD and 4k data streaming and many more

It is important to note that most environments besides personal use are considered high-density.

Myth #2: WiFi 6 Update is Costly and Serves Enterprises Only


  • WiFi 6 is believed to be more expensive than WiFi 5 or other previous iterations. Again, it is a popular misconception. In fact, many WiFi 6 devices are less costly than their earlier counterparts. As wireless tech has improved, manufacturers and designers are better equipped to produce higher-performance products at competitive prices.
  • Another popular misconception about WiFi 6 is that it is only compatible with high-end devices and environments. However, it is not valid. WiFi 6 technology is compatible with all kinds of systems. Furthermore, the WiFi 6 routers are already available at affordable prices. This enables you to easily upgrade your existing WiFi 5 system and use it for all purposes and applications.
    • WiFi 6 is beneficial to both private use and large enterprises. Due to increased efficiency, faster speed, and overall better performance, you can handle more devices simultaneously.
Myth #3: WiFi 6 isn’t Available Yet


  • Many people still believe that WiFi 6 isn’t available yet. However, the truth is the IEEE Standards Board approved Draft 8 in February 2021. Currently, it is available. In addition, all support structures are already firmly in place.
  • In fact, WiFi 7 is all set to be available next year (in 2024). Once it goes online, it’ll increase your Mbit/s processing from 9608 Mbit/sec to 46120 Mbit/s! That’s an incredible 5-fold increase in processing speed.

What are you waiting for? Get your WiFi 6 upgrade now!

In the next blog of this series, you’ll learn why WiFi 6 delivers better performance across every spectrum of wireless networking. You can explore the next blog on WiFi 6 soon!

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Why Black Box

Black Box provides and excels with WiFi-as-a-Service (WaaS).

WaaS offers options purpose-built to serve every IT need. Whether your organization has no existing WiFi network or a fully developed IT infrastructure, Black Box offers a managed solution for every WiFi network, whether it is staff/cadre-focused or guest-only.

Ready to move your WiFi into the next stage? You've come to the right place. With solutions from technology innovators and Black Box's complete service options, you'll get WiFi that's easy and ready for the future.

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