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Healthcare Rx: Mobile UC

 May 25, 2022   |    Kathy Brahan

Download the Mobile UC Checklist for Healthcare

Over 970,000 licensed physicians are responsible for patient care and referrals in the United States. With seventy-five million Baby Boomers aging into retirement and an estimated shortage of 80,000-200,000 physicians by 2020, the demand for healthcare providers is at an all-time high. Increased demand requires healthcare providers to be agile, operating from multiple locations - from office to clinic to hospital - and with diverse care teams.

Legacy IT Impacts Patient Care Many healthcare providers are still working with legacy technologies--such as alphanumeric pagers with one-way communication capabilities--that lack real-time directional functionality. These dated technologies are inefficient and incapable of true collaboration.[2] Ineffective communication is noted as the primary cause of over 70 percent of medical treatment delays and sentinel events.[3] Mobile Unified Communications (UC) is the key to reducing this statistic.

On-the-Go Communications Critical in Today's Healthcare Ever-improving EMR access enables healthcare providers to interact with other staff to optimize patient engagement and overall practice operations. They are also leveraging smart devices to support clinical workflows better. More hospitals, clinics, and extended care facilities are using VoIP services to increase communication, but the unification of these systems is where healthcare is most effective.

Patient care workflows require Mobile UC to increase responsiveness at critical junctures. Mobile UC helps reduce decision latency via local and remote collaboration solutions designed to share data and improve care coordination. Mobile UC utilizes Wi-Fi or cellular access with a range of resources, such as voice, conferencing, instant messaging, and video across a diverse set of devices, including computers, smartphones, tablets, and wearable technology.

For healthcare providers using VoIP, Mobile UC is the next evolution in healthcare. Mobilizing integrated communications allows healthcare providers real-time access to maintain the highest quality of care no matter the location.

Get Our Must-Have Mobile UC Healthcare ChecklistDownload our free Mobile UC for Healthcare Checklist to help guide you as you research UC solutions for your health care organization.

Learn more about how Black Box support Healthcare IT by clicking here.

 [1] U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [2] Spyglass Consulting Group

[3] Joint Commission, Improving America’s Hospitals, Annual Report on Safety and Quality, 2007

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